I had a dream a few nights ago that was particularly geeky.

I was back at a panel discussion about infrastructure technology at Morgan that we had in the middle of the summer, where I first met my future boss. At the real discussion, I asked a few questions at the discussion including, “What technology really excites you and gets you out of the bed in the morning?” I had hoped the three members of the panel would engage in some banter about how the technology of their division is the most important. Instead, I got the relatively predictable but obviously correct answer of “the internet”.

In my dream, I asked perhaps the geekiest question I could think of: “If you were to choose a Linux command line utility to describe your personality, which would it be?”

I didn’t get to hear how each panelist responded, but began dreaming about a lot of potential responses. “cat because I am a real animal lover.” “sed. I’m a fantastic manipulator.” “man. Because I am one.”

Or my favorite, “less. because less is more.”